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Verified Planet

Keeping your lab samples safe

Verified Planet is all about securing processes in labs.  

The purpose of the app is to help the lab crew avoid critical mistakes in this sensitive field (Fertilization).
For example - mixing 2 containers of the egg donor and sperm donor from 2 different families.

It also has a special locking system (a "machine" the size of a small Nespresso machine) that requires a special identification before each critical action (opening a container, mixing 2 containers)

The system also guides you through the correct process and always leads you to the next step to avoid mistakes.

Main Challenge

The main challenge in this project was to plan the system so that it will "do the job" with minimum interruptions to the crew.

Another big challenge was the size of the screen and the fact that labs crews usually wear medical gloves.


We started by separating the actions to: "Necessary actions" during the process (such as identification, opening, closing a container) to the "machine" and "Other actions" that can be done before/after the process itself - to the desktop app.

We then designed the machine's screen with high-contrast and big-buttons to ensure clear visibility and usability to the crew and designed the flow so it will always show minimum options required for the next step.

Improving lab safety and prevent human errors

Web Application

We also designed a web application to support the machine.

On this app, the users can manage the families, make appointments, attach the required containers to the right fertilization cycle, etc..

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